Witchcraft is very popular and it is still practiced today. Despite having a rough history over the years witchcraft is still practiced by hundreds of thousands of people around the world. In this article I will be answering the question What is Witchcraft? and talking about a few important points you need to know if you are interested in witchcraft.

What Is Witchcraft?

Witchcraft is the practice of magic involving spells, rituals and a deep connection to nature. A lot of witches follow the cycle of the moon and do different spells and rituals during different moon phases. Some witches follow pagan traditions, some follow other traditions or make their own traditions and there also witches that use witchcraft for evil.

Traditionally witchcraft was known as the practice of magic involving evil spirits and demons with the intention of controlling and doing harm to others. There are still witches around the world who practice this type of witchcraft but many witches these days practice white witchcraft which is not evil and involves only using magic to do good for others and for the world.

The 3 Main Types Of Witchcraft

There are many types of witchcraft a witch can practice and it is up to each witch to decide which type of magic they want to practice. But there are 3 types of witchcraft you will hear about the most and they are witch magic, black magic and grey magic.

White magic also known as white witchcraft or natural magic is magic that is intended to do good for the spell caster and for the world. White magic is practiced through spells, rituals, healing, cleansings, blessings, charms, incantations, prayers and songs and anyone who practices white magic is known as white witch. A white witch is a good witch that uses useful and practical magic for the greater good.

Black magic also known as black witchcraft, dark magic or evil eye magic is magic that involves evil spirits and demons that is evil and it is intended to be used for selfish purposes and to do harm to others. It is often used to destroy a person physically. mentally or financially and it is done using the victim’s hair, clothes or photo. Anyone who practices black magic is known as a black witch. A black witch is an evil witch that uses evil magic for evil purposes and to harm other people.

Grey magic also known as grey witchcraft or neutral magic is magic that is not good but not bad either. It is not practiced for beneficial reasons but it is not completing evil either. Grey magic is neutral and it is not intended to help or to harm. It is the in between white magic and black magic. The use of grey magic usually results in the witch or spell casters gaining want they intended from the spell while indirectly causing harm to other people. Anyone who practices grey magic is known as a grey witch. A grey witch is a witch that uses neutral magic to get what they want without helping or harming anyone.

In case you are still confused about white magic, black magic and grey magic there is another way to think about it. Think about light and darkness. White magic is the light and good magic, black magic is the darkness and evil magic and grey magic is in between white magic and black magic because it is neutral magic that is not good but not bad.

There are other types of magic besides the 3 main types I just discussed including green witchcraft, crystal witchcraft, kitchen witchcraft and many more. But the most common types of witchcraft you will hear about are white magic, black magic and grey magic. I’m a witch myself and I practice white magic meaning I’m a white witch. I do my witchcraft on my own but I hate evil and black magic and I always do my spells to help people and for the greater good.

Who Can Be A Witch?

These days anyone can become a witch. If you do witchcraft, are not pagan and don’t follow any kind of wiccan or pagan religion you are considered a witch. If you have a desire to help others while also improving your own life you are a good fit to be a witch. All you need to become a witch is yourself because a witch is someone who is aware of their power and puts that power into action.

It doesn’t matter what your gender is you can still become a witch as these days males, females and all genders can identify as witches. Traditionally females were witches and males identified as wizzards but in modern times males and any gender can identify as witches. If you are starting witchcraft and want to become a witch it will be a good idea to do some research or follow a guide and get a few witchcraft tools together before starting but you don’t need much to become a witch.

Witchcraft And Divination

Divination is the practice of foreseeing the future or obtaining hidden knowledge using supernatural powers. The goal is to gain answers or insight into a question or situation through occultic ways. Divination is not evil and is used by many witches and other people around the world. It includes the use of angel cards, tarot cards, scrying, pendulums, crystal gazing, astrology, horoscopes, numerology, ouija boards, rune readings, tea leaf readings, fortune telling and much more.

Many witches around the world practice divination alongside witchcraft and it can be quite a powerful combination. You don’t have to practice divination if you don’t want to as not all witches do it and it is seperate from witchcraft. But if you do learn some forms of divination it can quite interesting. I wanted to point this out in case divination is something that you are interested in. Divination can be quite a useful and interesting way of gaining the answers or insights you seek.


In conclusion witchcraft is the practice of magic involving spells, rituals and a deep connection to nature. Traditionally witchcraft was known as the practice of evil magic involving evil spirits and demons and causing harm to others. But now days there are still people who practice this form of witchcraft but most people practice white witchcraft which is good magic that is done to help people and is always for the greater good.

The 3 main types of witchcraft are white magic, black magic and grey magic. White magic is good magic, black magic is evil magic and grey magic is neutral magic that is not good or bad. These days anyone can become a witch as long as you have desire to help people as well as improve your own life you are good fit. A witch is someone who is aware of their power and puts that power into action. Regardless of your gender you can still become a witch and identify as a witch to as there are many male witches these days to.

Divination is the practice of foreseeing the future or obtaining hidden knowledge using supernatural powers. The goal is to gain answers or insight into a question or situation through occultic ways. Divination is not evil and is practiced by many people around the world. There are many forms of divination including angel cards, tarot cards, scrying, crystal gazing, ouija boards and many more. Many witches practice divination alongside witchcraft but you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to. But if you do decide to learn divination it can be a useful and interesting way of getting the answers you seek.

As you can see witchcraft can be a very good and very powerful thing. If you decide you want to become a witch starting by reading and researching as much as you can. It is a good idea to follow a guide and get a few witchcraft tools together. Always do witchcraft to help people and work for the greater good. Spread love and light and aim to changes lives while improving your own. If you always work like this you will be on your way to a much better life.

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed this article. If you have any questions or if you need any help let me know in the comments. I will be more than happy to help you out.


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